A Nottingham lady, Fran Bailey, was driven to puking by a display in a Marks and Spencer window at Christmas, which included the words “must-have fancy little knickers”. She also termed it grotesque, and somehow managed to conflate the decision to display this with issues of human rights, migration, abject poverty, and of course the whole tedious litany of gender issues.
Some organisation called FiLiA ‘demanded’ (really ?? who are they to do so?) that M and S disclose who authorised the display, so that if it were a man they could presumably castrate him or (as is more likely) if it were a woman try and convert her to the sisterhood.
Ms Bailey is maybe not aware that Marks and Spencer have been the purveyors of “fancy little knickers’ to British women of all shapes, sizes and age for 90 years. Marks put this in the in the window because – especially at Christmas – women continue to buy such things because they like (and always have) ‘sexy’ underwear.
Ms Bailey continues “It’s pandering to notions of gender that are so outdated that it’s unbelievable”. This is pure piffle – the same factors drive sales of such garments today as they did 90 years ago. What sane woman would wear a thong for comfort? And if she feels that there is no demand for frilly panties amongst today’s women, let her go into business and try and sell grey flannel gym knickers to Marks and see how sales do.
Kylie Jenner (one of the ‘Kardashians’ clan, Grumpy is given to understand) has generated USD 800 million of wealth taking selfies of herself wearing fancy little knickers and such like and influencing her peers to do the same; she probably has a much better handle on what women want than Ms Bailey has.
And if the window display really did make her sick, Grumpy suggests that she should see her doctor, or more probably, her psychiatrist.
Postscript :
Ms Bailey should visit www.bouxavenue.com or www.annsummers.com/ both of which have prominent and rather more salacious displays in Grumpy’s local shopping centre, but with essentially the same theme. The Boux website describes some frillys as “these must-have pieces are just what you need for styling it your way! “. Anne Summers opines “Confidence comes from within, and we think having a hot pair of underwear is the best place to start. ” and “Explore and embrace your sexuality. ” and “Our knickers and seriously sexy thongs come in a range of styles …. maximum sex appeal. “
Grumpy has never noticed vomiting females outside, but the shops did seem to be doing a good trade at Christmas and they clearly remain solvent, so someone is buying. Time to connect with you peers, methinks, Ms Bailey.