Putin, Pussy and Western quirks

Grumpy is rather disinterested in punk band Pussy Riot, or their declared support by attention seekers like Madonna, who knows a good bandwagon when she sees one. One suspects that were it not for their performance (is that the right word?) in a Moscow church, their vocal and musical capabilities would have condemned them to sink without trace.

What caught his eye was a picture in the Huffington Post, about feminist supporters of the band.

The supporters were largely topless, and to avoid offending the sensibilities of their largely US readers, a black oblong had been edited across their breasts by the Huff Post editor. However, the sign being held up by one of them, which read ‘Fuck Putin’ was clearly visible. Now it may be that this language is part of daily conversation of Mid West ladies who lunch, whereas  the sight of a nipple is greeted with outrage, but what passes for acceptable in US society has always eluded me.

A mystery indeed.

Pussy Riot Protest